Doing the work we do, requires support
If you’d like to support the work of Gentle/Radical, you can do that, and we’d appreciate it. Just log on to our Local Giving page, where it’s easy to make a donation, set up a regular monthly contribution or find out about our current campaigns and fundraisers.
Central to our work is ensuring that what we do is available to as wide a cross section of the community as possible. In practice that means outreach and deep rooted engagement at local levels, and lots of it. It’s labour intensive but we believe in this – often invisible – work, because it’s what ensures that what we generate is genuinely available and accessible to all.
Any donations and contributions you make to Gentle/Radical invariably mean you assist in the process – of making our work accessible. Whether your donation helps support our outreach programmes, enables us to provide subsidised tickets to low or no income individuals/ families, or helps support facilities that remove barriers to engagement (from creche provision to travel support and much more) – your support means the cultural offer we make can go as widely as we intend it to.