To light a fire is to invite the others in, is to send a

message, is to create a space for hospitality and welcome, and for the sharing of resources

In Arabic, the word ‘mish’aal’ means ‘bonfire’, from the verb ‘to burn’ or ‘to light’.

In times past travellers making their way across distances would light fires at night, sending a signal to others that they were welcome to rest and share food and water. Al-Mish’aal is a symbol of welcome, and hospitality. An open invitation for rest, and dialogue with others.

Al Mish’aal at Wyndham Street is a new building-based project which sees us taking up residence at a community space in the heart of Riverside. In partnership with South Riverside Community Development Centre (SRCDC) the space has been developed and refurbished with a view to accommodating a raft of new activities, to include a part-time co-working space, a Riverside library, and a variety of cultural and community projects aimed at communities right on the doorstep. Through the Al Mish’aal space and the activities built around it, we want to ask these and other questions:

How do we build spaces in which culture is accessible not just as a one off, but continually into the future.

How can a location that isn’t home become a place everyone feels they belong to.

How can our desires speak through the projects we design together.

How do we explore how power functions in our society, and create alternatives in our neighbourhoods.

How do we share our desires for the future with others.