Turner Prize 2021
Turner Prize nomination and exhibition

Back in May, Gentle/Radical received news about their nomination for this year’s Tate Turner Prize. In 2021, for the first time in the prize’s history, nominations were made up entirely of collectives, five in all, including Gentle/Radical. …
Palestine Book Club
Palestine Book Club
“And I say to myself, a moon will rise from my darkness…” Mahmoud Darwish

Since Gentle/Radical’s founding in 2017, there have been, and continue to be, numerous issues and causes that are close to our hearts.…
Decolonising Faith
When we talk of
building from the
ground up
this starts with building from the ground of our lives, in all their multiplicities.
…Doorstep Revolution
We believe in the
and in staying long enough in places to ensure relationships can be meaningful. Parachuting artists in and out of communities doesn’t always have a community’s interests at heart.
A detour is a different
way of arriving…Ahmad Nabil says “Sometimes we have to take a long route, to get to somewhere that’s very close by…”
How do you move through your city?…
Al Mish’aal, at Wyndham St
To light a fire is to invite the others in, is to send a
message, is to create a space for hospitality and welcome, and for the sharing of resources
In Arabic, the word ‘mish’aal’ means ‘bonfire’, from the verb ‘to burn’ or ‘to light’.…