An evening with artist Ian Nesbitt
What feels uncertain in your life right now?
What do you wish you knew?
If we don’t know what the future holds, can we be hopeful?
How do we become more comfortable with the unknown?
Artist Ian Nesbitt has been inviting Riverside residents to talk about things we don’t know yet, things we don’t have answers for…from not knowing how climate change will play out, to what futures our children will experience, to what happens when we die…and more…
Out of these conversations, Ian is developing a pack of Things We Don’t Know Yet question cards, in collaboration with Riverside residents. The aim of the cards will be to help us gather more comfortably in conversations around ‘not knowing’; and as a neighbourhood to find ways of coming together, to talk about the unknown.
You are warmly invited to join Ian on Tuesday 21st, to share food and be part of a conversation that will shape the next stage of the Things We Don’t Know Yet cards. The final version of the card pack will be launched in February 2024.
Food served from 6pm. Event starts at 6.30pm.
Bangladesh Centre, 1, Machen Place, Riverside, CF11 6EP