Imagination Forum #5

The Imagination Forum is back and this time we’re exploring ALLYSHIP.

What makes a good ally? How is allyship connected to power and privilege? How does it inform personal and professional relationships? How do we get better at practising it?

To help us learn more about this concept we’re delighted to be welcoming back Joshua Virasami (who joined us at our ‘Decolonising Environmentalism’ symposium last year). Artist, musician, film-maker and leading activist with Black Lives Matter London, Joshua is an inspiring and influential campaigner around climate justice, environmental racism, and the power of culture to inform radical change.

We’ll also be hearing from some brilliant Wales-based voices, and exploring the implications of good allyship for the arts sector in Wales. How might good allyship inform new models of partnership working that are born out of transparency, equity and parity, instead of what can often be extractivist and colonial practices.

Join us, so we can figure out how to build this work, in Wales, together.

Riverside Warehouse, 56 Machen Place, Cardiff CF11 6EQ

Tickets / £4/£2
Free for asylum seekers